Salut les gars! C'est moi, Chibibo le champignon très intelligent! ...okay okay, I'll stick to English before I will alienate you even further from this page. I don't speak French anyway.

"Where did the page go?" I hear you ask. No need to worry, I got used to hearing voices in my head. Also, the page is still here, in case you didn't notice. My cactus buddy Pokey just got bored with it and decided to revamp the whole thing! The looks might have changed, but the contents are still the same. And that's what counts, isn't it?

Anyway, while you were gone I've been exploring the new layout a bit, and I think I'm now familiar enough with it to give you a brief explanation of what those shiny little buttons on the left side will do. Shall we?
This is the main thing, the backbone of this page, the sole reason for its existance. Here you can find out all you ever wanted to know, and more, about those who lurk in the dark corner of the Internet known as the Final Fantasy Mailing List.

Former members
They might not be members of this humble little community anymore, but the memory of their presence will be kept in our hearts forever. Sinners who dare to forget about them can refresh their memories here, before we find out.

Unlisted members
What? You're a member of the mailing list, but your bio cannot be found on this page? Now is the time to do something about it! Just fill out the form and send it my, er, Pokey's way!

This nifty little button will bring you back to me! Yay!

Ain't it cute? Fortunately it's also useful, as it provides everybody with an opportunity to comment on this page. Wether you like it or hate it, Pokey is eagerly awaiting your feedback. But knowing him, those who praise him into the kingdom of heaven are more likely to receive a response than those who verbally knock the seven shades out of him.
Pokey also left a note for the brave who dare to venture inside and do not mind getting a bit of technical info:
'This page has been tested and approved to be viewable in Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4 and Opera 3. However, it probably will be a strain on the eyes and the brain when your monitor's resolution is anything lower than 1024x768. Two very important factors played a role in my decision not to support lower resolutions: 1) My own monitor uses the aforementioned resolution, and 2) I'm lazy. My deepest and most humble apologies for this.'
Oh, you still want to have a look around? Well, I would ask you to take my hand, but since I don't have any, just follow me, and watch your step. Here we go!