So you want to be added to this page? Or perhaps your bio already is on this page, but it's outdated? Well, you came to the right place! Fill out the form below, and everything will be taken care of as soon as possible. No guarantees though!

Keep in mind that none of the fields are required, except the name you use on the list and your e-mail address? Why? Because Pokey has to be sure that you're a list member, that's why! Also, there are some empty fields in each section. These you can choose yourself! Be creative!

Oh, I almost forgot. There are two fields that might need a little more explanation. They are "AIM nick" and "UIN". The former is the nickname you use on AOL Instant Messenger, the latter is your User Identification Number on ICQ. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can safely skip these two.

A little bit about you
List name:
Real name:
IRC nick:
AIM nick:
Gender: male   female
Date of birth:
E-mail address:
On the list since:
Favourite stuff
Favourite Square game(s):
Favourite non-Square game(s):
Favourite type(s) of music:
Favourite bands(s)/artist(s):
Favourite video game composer(s):
Other interesting information
Hobbies and interests:

Where did you hear about the list?
